Green pizza courgette basilic

Green pizza courgette basilic


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Cheesecake with pink radishes

A few words about this starter recipe A cheesecake with pink radishes, a savory version without cooking, for a fresh and gourmet starter. Sweet cheesecake...

Lemon Easter nest and spread

A few words about this dessert recipe A delicious bundt cake adapted from Hélène Darroze's recipe. Lemon, chocolate, and peanut spread… A fantastic and succulent...

Spring veggie toast

A few words about this starter recipe I love sandwiches, all kinds of sandwiches! The first days of good weather inspired me to make this...

Cold soup of radish tops and horseradish

A few words about this starter recipe Red radishes or Nantes radishes, I advise you to choose the small and very fresh. We bite a...

Sautéed rice with purple artichokes and bears garlic

A few words about this main dish recipe It's spring, and I wanted to have fun with seasonal products! So a reminder of rice, a...